Monday, June 22, 2015

Monday 22nd June Bible Study for 28th June

Summer Sunday School

Passages for Sunday June 28th

Psalm 30:6-12 and Mark 5:24-34

Read Psalm 30:6-12

Background       Psalm 30 is a song of deliverance. This meant that the writer expressed his thanks to God for saving him from a serious, life-threatening event. The subtitle of the psalm suggests that it was written by King David and that years after his death, when the Temple was being dedicated, it was sung during the initial ceremony. It may have been sung in memory of the great king, or perhaps as a reminder to everyone that the prime function of the Temple was to be a sacred place where the people could make their personal heartfelt prayers directly to God.


a)      In verse 6, the psalmist mentions how his prosperity had made him secure. Has his wealth displaced God?

b)      How had God’s favor established his fortune? What happened when he felt that God had turned his back on the psalmist?

c)       What indications do we get from the psalm which reveal to us that the writer was experiencing a serious life-threatening issue? Have we ever experienced something similar?

d)      What is the outcome of the psalmist’s prayer? How would his experience help other people pray to God?

e)      Has there been a time or event when our own lives have been endangered? How did it affect our faith in God?

Read Mark 5:24b-34

Background       This Gospel event happens as Christ walks to the home of Jairus, in order to heal his ailing daughter. An old woman in the crowd, who has a chronic illness, reaches out and touches Jesus in order to be cured of her disease. It is the last desperate act of someone who has tried everything else to be healed. She has faith in Christ’s power, but because she has become an introvert, she does not want to draw any attention to herself.


a)      The passage tells us that the diseased woman had spent everything she had on being cured by physicians, but none of their remedies worked. What do you think this did to her confidence and how would it have affected her financially?

b)      Where do you think she heard the reports about Jesus? What do you think was said about Him?

c)       What did the woman propose to do? What made her reluctant to ask Jesus for help?

d)      How does Jesus react to what she did? Why does He want her to publicly reveal her act? How did the woman feel at this?

e)      The story shows us the power of faith. In times of sickness or suffering, how does our faith in Christ heal us? How can we share that faith in Him with others who are ill or suffering?

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